UPDATE – Driver identified in early morning hit and run

West Vancouver – The driver that left the scene of an accident involving a pedestrian on January 18, has been identified, thanks to the assistance of the media.

The driver has been identified as a 91-year-old man, and resident of West Vancouver.

The driver contacted police after seeing media coverage of the incident and is cooperating with investigators.

The driver was not arrested and the investigation is ongoing.

Previous Media Release here:

Police are seeking witnesses to an early morning hit and run that sent one man to hospital.

On January 18, 2021, at approximately 7:00 am , police were called to a pedestrian-involved hit and run in the 400 blk of Taylor Way, near Clyde Ave.

When officers arrived they located a 58-year-old man who had been struck by a vehicle while he was crossing Taylor Way.

According to witnesses, the driver did not stop and the vehicle immediately left the area.

Police are looking for a white Tesla Model-X with damage to the driver’s-side headlight/front wheel area. It was last seen driving towards the Lions Gate Bridge. No plate information is available.

The pedestrian was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

“We believe that the driver would have known that they had hit someone,” says Cst. Kevin Goodmurphy. “We are asking for the public’s assistance to help investigators identify the person responsible and to gather more information.”

Police are asking anyone in the area with potential dash-cam footage or other information, to call them at 604-925-7300 and to reference police file 21-636. Information can be sent anonymously through Crime Stoppers by calling 1-800-222-8477 or online at




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