If you are a resident of West Vancouver, you may obtain a Police information Check from the West Vancouver Police Department. Fees apply depending on the nature of the Police Information Check required. Please visit the Police Information Check section of our website.
The West Vancouver Police Department will provide civilian fingerprinting for West Vancouver residents only. Appointments are required. For more information, please visit the Fingerprint Services section of our website.
We offer volunteer opportunities in 4 different programs: Block Watch, Speed Watch, and the WVPD Youth Committee. For more information visit the Volunteer Opportunities section on our website.
All candidates who are looking for an exciting and diverse career with the West Vancouver Police Department, either as a civilian employee or as a police officer, must got through a comprehensive application and screening process. Minimum requirements and contact information can be found on our website in the Join WVPD section.
The 9-1-1 line is to be used for emergencies only. If you are aware of an immediate threat to a person or property, a crime in progress or a serious crime which has just occurred, call 9-1-1 immediately and stay on the line. Be prepared to provide information about the location and information related to the crime.
If the crime occurred in West Vancouver, contact us by using the non-emergency number 604-925-7300. If the crime occurred in another city, contact the police agency responsible for policing that jurisdiction. If you do not know where the crime occurred, contact the police agency within the municipality in which you reside.
West Vancouver Police will attend a motor vehicle incident if there is injury, property damage exceeding $1000, any involved vehicle is not driveable or is a danger to or blocking other traffic or if there is indication of criminal actions including impairment involved in the collision. Drivers involved in collisions involving no injury and minor damage can exchange information without requesting police attendance.
Long boarding and Skate Boarding is prohibited on all public streets in West Vancouver under District Bylaw 4370 - Section 8.7.1. Skateboarding is permitted in designated skate parks at Ambleside Park and at the Gleneagles Community Centre. West Vancouver Police and West Vancouver Bylaw Services encourage long boarders to seek opportunities to participate in their sport in organized events on closed and controlled roadways to reduce injury and other risks associated to the sport. Violations of the bylaw are subject to a $45 Fine. The bylaw is enforced to address community concerns regarding the risks of injury and property damage resulting from long boarding.
Do not approach the animal and ensure you and others in the immediate area maintain a safe distance. If the animal presents an immediate danger to humans, call 9-1-1. If there is no apparent danger to humans, you can contact the West Vancouver Police Department at 604-925-7300. The West Vancouver Police Department reports all potentially dangerous wildlife sightings to the BC Conservation Officer Service.
Most work related arrangements are considered a civil matter and are not something the police have the authority to become involved in. However, there are some persons who pose as a legitimate business-person with the intention to criminally defraud members of the public. The West Vancouver Police Department is interested in these people. To prevent being victimized, you should always conduct a thorough examination prior to hiring anyone to do substantial work around your home. The Better Business Bureau also has advice on what to look for and what you can do to protect yourself. If you are a resident of West Vancouver and you do become the victim of a scam, contact the West Vancouver Police Department at 604-925-7300.
If you have a positive relationship with your neighbours, you may choose to deal directly with them. However, depending on the circumstances, excessive noise may or may not be a contravention of the District Noise Control Bylaw or a Provincial or Federal Statute and may be better dealt with by the police. If you reside within the District of West Vancouver and you wish advice or police assistance, contact the West Vancouver Police Department at 604-925-7300.
Case law in Canadian Courts does allow businesses to refuse service. This is commonly referred to as ‘The Shopkeepers Right To Refuse”. Signage and advertising invites the public to enter a private business property. A business owner or operator can lawfully revoke the invitation.
Selection of a person for removal from your business must not constitute discrimination prohibited under the Canadian Charter of Rights. (Race, National or Ethnic origin, Colour, Religion, Gender, Age, Mental or Physical Disability, Sexual Orientation)
In a general sense, property owners or their agents may refuse service to a person because of what that person is doing or has done and NOT because of who the person is. If any person is actively committing a criminal offence at your business, (ie-Assault, Theft, Property Damage) Call for an immediate police response.
If removal of a person is sought for conduct short of a defined Criminal Code offence, the Right to Refuse Service remains, but requires additional steps.
Unwanted conduct can include, but is not limited to disturbance of other customers or staff, unacceptable noise or physical conduct, crude language, intoxication, interruption of store operations, prior offences against business.
Merchants or staff seeking to exercise the right to refuse service should directly inform the subject of the removal request using clear, simple phrasing such as “I don’t want your business. I want you to leave.”
If the person refuses to leave, contact police and request attendance of a patrol officer. Provide clear information to the Police Call-taker about why you are asking the person to leave. If the person still won't leave after police arrive the staff member or owner will be asked to repeat the request to leave in the presence of the officer.
The officer will then make a determination as to next steps.