Attend West Vancouver Police in person with a piece of Government issued photo ID and fill in a Freedom of Information (F.O.I.) application.
We have 30 business days to respond to your request, unless an extension for a further 30 days is required because the regular time limit is not sufficient to locate the records; or we must consult with third parties before access can be granted.
Yes, the form is available on the website in the FOIPPA section - you can find that HERE.
No, the form must be brought in to West Vancouver Police in person, or mailed in with a clear copy of your current government issued photo ID.
If you are mailing in your request, please include a clear copy of your current government issued photo ID, along with a completed copy of the FOI Access to Records Form.
Please send to:
West Vancouver Police Department
Records and Disclosure Section
755 16th Street
West Vancouver, BC
V7V 0B8