Good Day Block Watch Captains, Co-Captains & Participants,
West Vancouver Police have responded to 226 calls for service since our October 24th Update.
Click Here To View Updated West Vancouver Crime Alerts
Burglary suspects have been active in our district for another week. Our Crime Alerts this week, include two residential break-ins. Residents of a Dundarave area home discovered their home had been broken into when they reviewed surveillance video during a trip overseas. The home’s alarm system had not been activated. The primary bedroom & a personal safe were targeted.
Meantime, residents of a home in the upper Ambleside/Hollyburn area returned home from an evening out to find a rear window smashed and again, the primary bedroom targeted. Jewelry, designer bags & other high value items were targeted in both offences.
Surveillance video on a home in the Chartwell/Cammeray Park area revealed two masked suspects on the property during evening hours. No entry was gained. A similar circumstance noted on a Dundarave area residential construction site, a male suspect seen on a surveillance video review, entering and casing the site, but not stealing any property.
A video surveillance system can assist in a follow-up investigation; however, we strongly urge residents to ensure your residential alarm is set anytime you’re away from your home.
As neighbours and Block Watch participants, please be watchful for any suspicious persons or activity, including any indication that a person or vehicle is lingering in the area for an unusual time, possibly casing or observing homes, or persons entering properties at unusual times of day or when you know neighbours are away.
Review your alarm system and where you have intrusion sensors. Burglary suspects will very commonly target upper floor balcony doors or windows, betting that homeowners will only have intrusion sensors on ground level entry points. Motivated suspects can and will climb to upper-level entry points.

It is a day & evening that trick or treating children look forward to all year. Halloween has arrived.
West Vancouver Police want your Halloween to be safe & fun. Please be aware of children walking through residential & other areas of our district this evening.
We urge drivers to be vigilant for often excited & distracted young pedestrians. If you are taking children out for Halloween, please ensure any costumes worn do not obstruct vision or movement.
Sunset this Halloween is at 5:51pm, meaning darkness will arrive before many people complete their rounds. We recommend including reflective materials in any costume and for you and your children to carry flashlights.
Unfortunately, Halloween can also bring noise, youths gathering and property damage. Consumer sale or use of Fireworks is prohibited anywhere in the District of West Vancouver. Police will have extra officers on patrol throughout the evening. Please don’t hesitate to call if you see any offences in progress.
Anytime you see activity of concern, please don’t hesitate to call West Vancouver Police. Call 604-925-7300 for non-emergency matters. Call 9-1-1 in an emergency, including events that involve an immediate threat to a person or property or to report a substantive crime in progress. For updated crime alerts anytime click
Jeff Palmer
Block Watch & Operational Support Coordinator
West Vancouver Police
t: 604-925-7300