Coordinator’s Update – July 11

Good Day Block Watch Captains, Co-Captains & Participants,

West Vancouver Police have responded to 300 calls for service since our last update.

Click For Updated Crime Alerts

Interrupted Break-ins

Two separate residential break-ins reported this week involved residents encountering suspects as the offences were in progress. Residents of an Eagleridge area home awoke to noise in the kitchen, found and challenged the suspect, who fled, but was subsequently found and arrested by responding officers.  Similarly,  a resident of a seasonal cabin on Hollyburn Ridge awoke to a suspect in the house. The suspect fled. No injuries in either circumstance. Investigation to identify the Hollyburn Ridge suspect is ongoing.  

Summer Heat Continues

Remaining alert to seasonal crime risks is vital.  Although forecast daytime high temperatures have eased somewhat from the peaks reported over the past week, we can expect more summer heat to come.

Homes can become more tempting to criminals with windows and doors left open more frequently, and homeowners often spending less time at home. If you are staying home or plan to be away, take time to secure any door or window that will be unattended, either while you are busy socializing or sleeping.

Criminals look for easy opportunities, and inattention to security details during the summer months can help present suspects with an opening to commit an offence.  If you are leaving your home for errands, take time to secure any accessible entries. If you need ventilation of an open window or sliding door, ensure you have adequate secondary locks installed that allow the entry or window to be open, but not wide enough for a suspect to enter through.

Suspicious Fire

Among our other Crime Alerts, a fire that heavily damaged two vehicles parked side by side in the Lawrence Way area. The fire is considered suspicious. The cause is not yet confirmed. If you saw or noted anything suspicious in relation to any occurrence noted in our Crime Alerts, please don’t hesitate to call our non-emergency line at 604-925-7300

West Vancouver Police In The Community – 2024 Pulling Together Canoe Journey Begins

Our WVPD Canoe Ch’ich’iyuy, officers and youth paddlers are underway in this year’s Pulling Together Canoe Journey exploring the waters of our area.  Canoe families including Indigenous Youth, Police & other enforcement agencies began gathering July 10th on Xwemelch’stn-Capilano. Until days end July 13th, some 200 paddlers will venture out together for canoe journeys in Howe Sound, English Bay & Burrard Inlet. Pulling Together Journeys work to promote greater understanding between Indigenous Communities & Police. 

Jeff Palmer

Block Watch & Operational Support Coordinator

West Vancouver Police

t: 604-925-7300

Block Watch Sign




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· Valid Canadian Driver’s Licence
· Valid BC Identification Card (with photo)
· Valid BC Services Card
· Valid Passport – Canadian or Foreign
· Valid Canadian Permanent Residency Card
· Current Canadian Student ID Card (for youth applicants ages 12-17) *secondary Gov’t issued ID required
· Canadian Birth Certificate
· Valid Canadian Citizenship Card
· Valid Canadian Certificate of Native Status Card
· Valid Nexus Card
· Employee Identification Card issued by the Federal, Provincial or Territorial Government (with photo)
· Old Age Security Identification Card
· Valid Firearms Licence
· Municipal or RCMP Police Identification (with photo only)