Good Day Block Watch Captains, Co-Captains & Participants, and Happy New Year!
Please find Block Watch Crime Alerts for December 20th to January 04th attached.
West Vancouver Police have responded to 518 calls for service since our last update.
**Click Here For Updated Block Watch Crime Alerts At**
Residential Break-ins
A pair of residential break-ins over the holidays provide emphasis on familiar prevention reminders. Thieves targeting a residence in the Chippendale area of the British Properties smashed through a 2nd floor patio window and ransacked several rooms, targeting jewelry & designer clothing. Homeowners were away overseas.
Investigators have determined the break-in was discovered & reported four days after it occurred. Meantime, a family away for just part of a day returned home to find a rear glass patio door smashed, and items taken from several rooms. The home is equipped with an alarm, but it was not activated.
If you have an alarm, we encourage you to set it when you are away for any length of time. Review whether any accessible entry points have or need intrusion sensors. Our officers are ready to respond any time, day, or night. Our response can be greatly helped with timely alarm information.
Theft From Auto – Suspect in Custody
A stolen phone led our officers to successful arrest of a theft suspect and recovery of stolen property from a rash of Theft from Auto offences in the Highgrove & Chippendale areas.
Officers managed to track a cellphone stolen from a vehicle to the Ambleside area where a suspect was found and arrested.
A vehicle fob was recovered which was then linked to a stolen vehicle recovered nearby.
Property from several additional Theft from Auto reports was also recovered and returned to rightful owners. Officers will recommend several charges and continue to work on identifying owners of additional recovered stolen property.
While the outcome was positive with a suspect in custody, there were several avoidable risks involved. Items stolen were left in the vehicles in plain view. Most thefts were accomplished by smashing side windows, however, the fob linked to the recovered stolen vehicle had been left in the vehicle when it was unlocked. Please avoid leaving items of value in any unattended vehicle, locked or not.
West Vancouver Police Public Office/Reception Hours
Regular Front Counter & Public Office Hours have resumed following the holiday period. Our public office is open 9am–5pm Weekdays. Services including Civilian Fingerprinting, Police Information(Criminal Record)Checks & Freedom of Information Requests are only available during opening hours of the Public Office/Front Counter.
If you see any activity of concern, please don’t hesitate to call West Vancouver Police. Call 604-925-7300 for non-emergency matters. Call 9-1-1 in an emergency, including events that involve an immediate threat to a person or property or to report a substantive crime in progress.
For updated crime alerts between our weekly updates click
Jeff Palmer
Block Watch & Operational Support Coordinator
West Vancouver Police
t: 604-925-7363