Good Day Block Watch Captains, Co-Captains & Participants,
West Vancouver Police have responded to 221 calls for service since our last update.
Block Watch Crime Alerts for February 9th to 15th are attached and available on our website.
Click Here For Updated West Vancouver Crime Alerts
Residential Break-Ins
Three residential break-ins top our Crime Alerts this week. Officers were called to a Horseshoe Bay area home where suspects had smashed through a main floor patio door, targeting handbags & jewelry. Unfortunately, suspects had fled the home before officers were able to arrive. A family in the Cross Creek area of the British Properties returned home from an extended time away, to find a patio door smashed. No alarm was active. Again, high end handbags & other personal items were stolen.
In a third offence, a resident returning to their Sentinel Hill area home found a male asleep inside. Residents moved to a safe location and called police. The suspect was arrested without incident.

Looking for a deal online? Take care in any transactions. A resident this week saw an item they wanted to purchase and forwarded a deposit. The ‘seller’ immediately ceased all communication, and the profile was found to be fraudulent. Remember that you have no assurance that a person contacting you via social media is who they claim to be. Be suspicious, especially if a purported seller is demanding a quick transfer of deposit funds.
If you intend to meet someone in person to conclude a transaction, it is best to have the meeting in a well-lit public place that has surveillance cameras. The entry plaza & atrium at West Vancouver Police Headquarters/City Hall has been offered as a public Trading Safe Zone since 2017. The atrium is available open to the public weekdays between 9am & 5pm. The entry plaza is well lit & in view of surveillance cameras.
Please review all Fraud types with all members of your family, particularly with any elderly family members or others who may be especially vulnerable.
Click Here For Updated Information On Fraud Offences To Watch For
Leaving vehicle keys and other valuables in a vehicle in a residential driveway ended with a difficult, and preventable lesson this week. A vehicle, wallet, housekeys & personal electronics reported stolen this week from a home in the Stevens Drive area. Three Thefts from Auto reported this week in neighbourhoods from Glenmore to Gleneagles involved valuables left in unlocked vehicles. Another theft in the Gleneagles area involved suspects prying open a locked driver’s side door.
If you see any activity of concern, please don’t hesitate to call West Vancouver Police. Call 604-925-7300 for non-emergency matters. Call 9-1-1 in an emergency, including events that involve an immediate threat to a person or property or to report a substantive crime in progress.
For updated crime alerts between our weekly updates click
Jeff Palmer
Block Watch & Operational Support Coordinator
West Vancouver Police
t: 604-925-7363