West Vancouver – West Vancouver Police would like to remind dog owners about safe practice when it comes to leaving their furry friends in locked vehicles, as we head toward warmer weather.
It’s that time of year again. Temperatures are rising, and so is the risk of dog’s overheating if not properly cared for.
The West Vancouver Police have already began receiving calls from concerned citizens who are reporting dogs left behind in parked vehicles on sunny days.
Did you know that dogs left alone in cars in even mild heat are at risk for heatstroke, a serious condition that can result in organ damage and even death? Many pet owners are shocked to find out just how fast the temperature can rise in your car. Even leaving the windows open does little to affect high temperatures.
“We see it every year,” says Cst Kevin Goodmurphy. “Owners who think it’s ok to leave their dog in the car for a quick trip into the bank.” “The reality, is that even a few minutes left alone in a hot car could cause the animal to go into distress.”
The best way to keep your pet safe in this situation? Leave them at home, where air conditioning, fans and shade can offer them a retreat from the heat.
If anyone witnesses an animal inside a parked vehicle who they think may be in distress, consider contacting West Vancouver By Laws, West Vancouver Police, or the BC SPCA Call Centre at 1-855-622-7722 as soon as possible.
For more information, visit www.spca.bc.ca